
EV Myth Busting Collection

EV Myth busted

Electric Cars Myth vs Reality

This is our collection of electric car myths vs reality. We bust a few myths wide open with facts and research. You shouldn’t just believe anything you read on Facebook, or what Gav told you at the pub. Myths abound, and reality is hard to find.

So strap in for some electric car myth busting as we get to the truth about electric cars and EV myths. We’re only just scratching the surface, but we’re going to delve right into: Electric Cars Myth vs Reality in this series of articles.

If you’re new to EVs, or thinking about an EV, click here for our Top EV Owner Tips

Leave us a comment here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to tell us about your favourite EV myth.  We can take a look and provide some real research. 

We might be able to to help you with some information for the next time one of your friends comes out with something that’s clearly rubbish and you need a few facts to set them straight.  

Let’s get in to a few myths: Here’s our first 11 EV Myths busted wide open by our team here.

Apparently EVs catch fire a lot, let’s find out if it’s true.

EV Myth Busted #1: Electric Cars catch fire a lot.

You won’t get far in your EV, range is a real problem. Is it really?

EV Myth Busted #2: Electric Cars have a short range

It’s going to cost you a lot more to maintain your EV compared to gas. Really??

EV Myth Busted #3: EVs cost more to maintain  

You’ll be broke because your electricity bill will be huge!  Did we forget how much petrol costs? Or how much we’re not spending on petrol?

EV Myth Busted #4: Your Electricity Bill must be huge!

Sales are tanking, the EV revolution is over before it even started! One small drop doesn’t equal a trend. Let’s look at the reality of EV sales.

EV Myth Busted #5: EV sales are tanking

EV batteries are no good in winter, your range will drop! Like petrol vehicles are immune to winter range reductions.

EV Myth Busted #6: EVs lose range in winter, really badly

All those EVs charging off the grid, it’s sure to crash.  Has this ever happened? Is it likely?

EV Myth Busted #7: EVs will kill the electricity grid

You’ll be up for a massive bill in a couple of years when your EV battery dies.  What’s the reality about bettery life in EVs and how much is a new battery really?

EV Myth Busted #8: Your EV battery won’t last.

There are so many resources needed to build an electric car that a petrol car is more eco-friendly even it it produces greenhouse gases continuously.  What’s the reality? When does an EV pay back the extra resources needed to build it.

EV Myth Busted #9: Are EVs worse for the environment?

Don’t drive you EV in a storm, you’ll get struck by lightning!! Did they not think of this? Is an EV really a lightning conducting death trap, or is it just as safe as any other car? Let’s do some EV yth busting on this one.

EV Myth Busted #10: Are electric cars safe in lightning?

EVs are too heavy! They’te dangerous to people and other vehicles. Tearing up our roads is just the start, they’ll probably be falling through our car park floors next.

EV myth busted #11: EVs are too heavy

EVs emit nasty radiation! It’s like hugging a microwave oven. 

EV Myth busted #12: EVs emit dangerous radiation